2018-19 Christmas giveaway!

Christmas is coming and just like Santa, I have a present for you! Subscribe to my newsletters, which are nothing more than practical notifications of when there’s a new post. Based on my traffic data, most of you either wait for my Monday updates here, or just visit at random instances to check if there’s something new, so being on my mailing list would just make things easier for you anyway. You can subscribe by going to the home page of my website (www.mnconsultingglobal.com) and typing your email at the appropriate cell found in the bar at the top of your screen and hitting the “Subscribe” button. I will be giving away two gifts: One restricted to my subscribers as at 30/11/18 (I have to reward the fact that they subscribed without any previous motivation right?) and one for those who will subscribe between 01/12/18 and 31/01/2019.

The winners will be decided via draws from each “pot,” that will take place in February 2019. If there is a winner from Cyprus, I can deliver the gift to them in person and even make a short video about it (provided they want to). If there is a winner from abroad, I will send it to them free of charge, wherever they may live. I draw regular visitors from as far away as the US, Canada, and the Philippines, so I mean it: Wherever. If you are from abroad, you can make a short “unboxing” video once you receive your gift, again, only if you want to.

That’s all, you can always unsubscribe whenever you want, with just one click.

Good luck to all participants!


Subscription offer extended till 28/02/2019. The winner will get a copy of my book!
