Something’s Gotta Give #57: Brilliant, or clueless?

We live in a world that whenever we have a question, we can have the answer within minutes. We just “google” stuff. Except when our question doesn’t have an objective (e.g. 2 + 2 will always equal to 4) answer. Then, as expected, we may get different answers for the same question. What happens then? Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #57: Brilliant, or clueless?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #56: Real estate and remote working

Those of you who follow my posts with relative frequency will surely be aware that I am not a really big fan of remote working. I believe it reduces employee productivity so much, that it may not worth the savings that a company may make by not having to cater for its people.The main reason Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #56: Real estate and remote working[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #55: Apocalypse now

I’ve never watched Coppola’s famous epic war film, after which I named this blog post. But I am sure you can understand that the apocalypse that I have in mind isn’t related to war (although Erdogan’s erratic behavior doesn’t make things easy here in the eastern Mediterranean). My sense of apocalypse has to do with Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #55: Apocalypse now[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #54: Managing down

You’ve never heard of such a thing before, have you? And why would you, after all? The word “down” after the word “managing” is clearly a pleonasm, which would indicate an inability to use language properly from the part of the speaker / writer. But are managers really managing down? Because what typically happens in Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #54: Managing down[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #53: The decision-making process

It’s an old axiom in the consulting business that risk assessment is one of the most (if not the most) important part of decision-making. Ironically, 99% of the clients I have worked with, start their decision-making process, with a financial analysis. Finances are undoubtably important, but they come second in my book in decision-making analyses, Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #53: The decision-making process[…]