Monthly Focus Point, Feb19-Mar19: PSA announced record earnings for 2018.

In just five years after its near-bankruptcy in 2014, the French carmaker PSA group reported record earnings for 2018, buoyed by the success of its Peugeot 3008 and 5008 SUV models. The sales of the group jumped by 19%, to EUR74.03b, which translated in a normalized operating income of EUR5.69b, signifying a 43% increase in Read more about Monthly Focus Point, Feb19-Mar19: PSA announced record earnings for 2018.[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #15: Things change

When I visited Greece this past Christmastime, I had also visited the town of Arachova, up at mount Parnassos, with some friends and family members. Arachova is one of the most popular winter destinations of Greece, often dubbed “the Mykonos of winter.” Mykonos, in its own turn, is probably the most popular (and also the Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #15: Things change[…]

Monthly Focus Point, Jan19-Feb19: The BrExit saga continues

I must admit, I didn’t expect Tereza May’s initial deal to be rejected by the British parliament. Not because it was the best deal ever, but because I honestly believe (and as many European heads of state have repeatedly said) it is the best deal that the EU could provide to the UK. Does the Read more about Monthly Focus Point, Jan19-Feb19: The BrExit saga continues[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #14: One step at a time

Ask anyone that has ever tried going for a run farther than 10km, and they will tell you: The greatest obstacle that you have to overcome isn’t the physical exhaustion, but rather, the boredom, arising from what often appears to be a pointless run. Feeling the hot breath of a lion at your heels would Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #14: One step at a time[…]

Long Story Short #14: The owner

I have dealt with the customer service departments of a slew of major companies from around the globe and they all have one thing in common: That they try to get rid of you as fast as possible. Some of them have gone so far to act in this way, even when you are trying Read more about Long Story Short #14: The owner[…]

Back To The Drawing Board #13: Improvement

Fixing something means that there’s already a known way on how to replicate the initial work. Many people may not be aware of this way, by you can still reverse-engineer anything that’s broken and find how it works and therefore, how it can be fixed. In my upcoming book on private company valuations, I tried Read more about Back To The Drawing Board #13: Improvement[…]

Monthly Focus Point, Dec18-Jan19: A rundown of 2018.

December and January are traditionally slow months. Most peoples’ attention is drawn by the Christmas and New Year celebrations, as well as the preparations leading up to the festivities. This is a really bad thing for someone who is trying to maintain a monthly news update column, but a good thing for the world: When Read more about Monthly Focus Point, Dec18-Jan19: A rundown of 2018.[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #13: Normal

Contrary to most people I go to the beach with, who just like lying under the sun and walking (literally!) in the water for a bit, I like swimming. I don’t remember when I started this habit, I’ve been doing it for years now, but I know what it was that “made me” start it: Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #13: Normal[…]

Οι αποτιμήσεις, ο σύμβουλος και οι αδυναμίες της διοίκησης

Ένας γνωστός μου επιχειρηματίας μου είχε αναφέρει κάποτε μεταξύ σοβαρού και αστείου πως όσοι εργαζόμαστε στις ελεγκτικές, λογιστικές, φορολογικές και συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες, κάνουμε τα καλύτερα επαγγέλματα του κόσμου: Πως ενώ πληρωνόμαστε για τις υπηρεσίες μας, δεν έχουμε ποτέ άποψη για τίποτα και πως ακόμα και όταν παράσχουμε κάποιας μορφής γνώμη, βάζουμε αρκετούς νομικούς περιορισμούς για Read more about Οι αποτιμήσεις, ο σύμβουλος και οι αδυναμίες της διοίκησης[…]