Something’s Gotta Give #2: An entrepreneur’s greatest ally

One of the think tanks of the European Parliament, the Economic Governance Support Unit, has been periodically publishing a number of reports and briefings on the state of play of Non-Performing Loans (“NPLs”) in the European Union. The authors of the report have broken down the various EU countries in three broad groups: “Low level Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #2: An entrepreneur’s greatest ally[…]

Long Story Short #2: The middle class

As the head of your company you should ensure that you pick your subordinates carefully. No matter your intentions, everything they do will appear in their own subordinates’ eyes, as your own, personally approved actions. If you cannot trust your lieutenants’ judgement, you should either develop, or replace them. Yesterday.  

Back To The Drawing Board #1: The illusion of diversity

There are valid reasons why most organisations rank diversity among their top cultural goals. There is a strong chance however, that even the most astute of its defenders among senior and middle management, work against this goal without even realizing it. How? I am explaining below everything you need to know.

Monthly Focus Point: Jan18-Feb18

There was a great number of events that took place over the last month and that I would love to comment upon, but since I have to choose just one for the purposes of this short column, this will be the second round of the Cypriot presidential elections. Cyprus is one of the countries that Read more about Monthly Focus Point: Jan18-Feb18[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #1: Marketing for all the wrong reasons

I received dozens of e-mails with holiday wishes during the festive season, from all kinds of companies with which I have transacted in the past. Some put me in their e-mail list despite my experience with them being deplorable at best. “Marketing experts” of all kinds insist that you must send this kind of wishes, Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #1: Marketing for all the wrong reasons[…]

Greek Debt Sustainability Analysis update, January 2018

Latest #DSA on #GR. The underlying assumptions have changed little from the previous exercise, so I will not repeat them. Scenarios: A-Base, B&C-Worst, and D-Best case. Just to get a feeling about how vulnerable to downside risks the Greek economy is, and why it should continue to be financed through low-interest loans from the #ESM Read more about Greek Debt Sustainability Analysis update, January 2018[…]