CEOs of Cypriot systemic banks list challenges for banking sector

Just attended the event featuring the CEOs of the three systemic Cypriot banks at the University Of Cyprus. I was a bit (unpleasantly) surprised by the fact that I was the only attendee to ask something not related to the management of NPLs. NPL management is merely the result of past bad lending practices, which Read more about CEOs of Cypriot systemic banks list challenges for banking sector[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #3: A procrastinator’s best friend

I remember attending a workshop organized by one of those “inspirational” speakers/coaches/messiahs/whatever you want to call them. I was never convinced of the value these individuals offer, but the workshop was sponsored and I went with a friend. So at worst, I would lose my time but get a chance to do some networking, at Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #3: A procrastinator’s best friend[…]

European purchasing power, March 2018

Great map created by GFK, showing the purchasing power in various regions of #Europe. Apart from the evident East-West and North-South discrepancies, other points of interest to note are: East-West discrepancy in Germany (#DE) is still very much real; So is the infamous gap between Italy’s (#IT) north and south; Catalonia and rest of Spain Read more about European purchasing power, March 2018[…]

Long Story Short #3: Uncommon sense

…I also have a 6th point for you (yes, I am so generous that I provide 20% more than promised, without even being asked to): If almost 60% (my estimate) of all electrical and electronic equipment and appliances imported to Cyprus come from Greece (where they use bipolar sockets) why on Earth do we continue Read more about Long Story Short #3: Uncommon sense[…]

Top 15 EU container ports, 2017

This is a research published on an annual basis and which I have been following over the last three years. Year after year, analysts are surprised with the strong performance of Piraeus, Greece’s largest port and yet there are no signs of its expansion slowing down. Just last week, COSCO (the new management ever since Read more about Top 15 EU container ports, 2017[…]

Monthly Focus Point: Feb18-Mar18

Although I am not very much into winter sports and I live in a place where snow is the stuff of legends, I would be out of touch with reality if I didn’t have something to say about the winter Olympics. I have seen the incredible feelings of pride and joy that victory (or sometimes, Read more about Monthly Focus Point: Feb18-Mar18[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #2: An entrepreneur’s greatest ally

One of the think tanks of the European Parliament, the Economic Governance Support Unit, has been periodically publishing a number of reports and briefings on the state of play of Non-Performing Loans (“NPLs”) in the European Union. The authors of the report have broken down the various EU countries in three broad groups: “Low level Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #2: An entrepreneur’s greatest ally[…]

Long Story Short #2: The middle class

As the head of your company you should ensure that you pick your subordinates carefully. No matter your intentions, everything they do will appear in their own subordinates’ eyes, as your own, personally approved actions. If you cannot trust your lieutenants’ judgement, you should either develop, or replace them. Yesterday.  

Back To The Drawing Board #1: The illusion of diversity

There are valid reasons why most organisations rank diversity among their top cultural goals. There is a strong chance however, that even the most astute of its defenders among senior and middle management, work against this goal without even realizing it. How? I am explaining below everything you need to know.