Something’s Gotta Give #45: Quality of life

People in the IT industry use this term all the time. Almost always when there’s an update of a software, you can see in the changelog the line “Various quality of life improvements.” But what do they mean by that? “Quality of life improvements” in the field of the IT industry, are software improvements meant Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #45: Quality of life[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #38: What really qualifies as bias?

I had the chance to go over Information Memorandums, or “Teasers” as some people call this kind of documents sometimes, quite a few times throughout my professional career as a corporate financier. For those who may not be aware, these are sort of “advertising flyers” that companies prepare and distribute to potential investors, when they Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #38: What really qualifies as bias?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #36: People vs finance

I was giving a ride to friend the other day. I always keep a book on the co-driver seat since it’s usually empty (yes, I know, not very eco-friendly to a drive an empty car daily – in my defense, public transportation in Cyprus is practically non-existent and I am scared of motorbikes, so…). My Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #36: People vs finance[…]