Something’s Gotta Give #74: Older and better

Ask any knowledgeable modeller and they will tell you: This skill isn’t technical, as it is often portrayed to be, but rather, artistic. Creative! Of course, at the heart of each model is its code. The code drives the model’s logic. It’s a set of invisible cogs running behind the scenes, the turning of which Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #74: Older and better[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #73: Innovation: Is this the secret?

Let me start by clarifying that if you came here hoping to find an “innovate easily and quickly” kind of solution, you are in the wrong place. Sure, I am hoping that I will enhance your capability to innovate by the end of this post, but that’s just about it. I don’t believe in magic Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #73: Innovation: Is this the secret?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #72: Are you serious?

Most of the “random” (meaning from people who ended up on my website by… googling for corporate finance services) project inquiries that I receive, never go anywhere beyond that stage. This is a choice. My choice. The reason is because most of those people are not serious. And I am not saying this because of Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #72: Are you serious?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #71: What’s the next step?

Where would you like to be in X amount of time from now? What are your long-term goals and what are you doing to achieve them?Say that you want to work as a CEO of a multinational company. I believe we all agree that it takes more than merely sending CVs for relevant job openings.You Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #71: What’s the next step?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #70: Trust your judgement.

Everybody loves processes, right? They make our lives easy: No need to think about it, just follow the process, tick the boxes and boom, effortless result! But is this a good result? A useful result? A meaningful result? Process-based working certainly has a strong following, their primary arguments being that processes reduce the time it Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #70: Trust your judgement.[…]