Marios-Nicolaos Charalambous

Consulting made simple

Something’s Gotta Give #81: You don’t need to know

When the first cars came out, manufacturers had to deal with the limitations of very weak (by today’s standards) internal combustion engines. These limitations were so significant as a matter of fact, that the entire car was built “around” the engine. And the primary concern given the aforementioned constraint, wasn’t other than the weight of Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #81: You don’t need to know[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #80: Do you see them?

As someone who is living in a house with two yards (front and back) I oftentimes have to resort to using pesticides to control the population of ants in the yards and prevent them from spreading into the house. Have you ever used pesticides yourself? Have you witnessed firsthand their effect on the insects? Within Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #80: Do you see them?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #79: Enforcing compliance.

I witnessed a disgraceful sight the other day across my house: A woman came in her pickup truck from another neighborhood and dumped a mountain of old electrics and electronics in the empty field that is there. I immediately took out my cellphone and took several pictures of her “in action” and noted her truck’s Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #79: Enforcing compliance.[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #78: Bonus time.

There are bonuses and then there are bonuses. Something that is supposed to be reward for a job well done (either individually, or on a company level) has been perverted and twisted over the recent years, so much so that it is anything but that nowadays. From employers who cut salaries to half or more Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #78: Bonus time.[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #77: Analyze this.

Here’s a one-in-a-million scenario that happened last week to a friend and that I would surely not believe had anyone else told me about it. My friend had prepaid for a professional service. The professional was working for a small business where he was also the owner. Because of their good relations, he undertook the Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #77: Analyze this.[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #76: I didn’t see what you did there

I was driving on a rather big avenue a couple of days ago, when the car in front slammed the breaks for no apparent reason. A few moments later, I realized that the driver did that in order to allow another car, on the opposite track flow, to turn. The problem was, of course, that Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #76: I didn’t see what you did there[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #75: The best kind of babysitting

I was recently looking for some professional services and just like everyone else, I sent out RFPs to some providers and also arranged for the relevant introductory meetings. Two particular providers stood out in my eyes during this process: The first one didn’t make a particularly good impression during the opening meeting. He seemed uncertain Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #75: The best kind of babysitting[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #74: Older and better

Ask any knowledgeable modeller and they will tell you: This skill isn’t technical, as it is often portrayed to be, but rather, artistic. Creative! Of course, at the heart of each model is its code. The code drives the model’s logic. It’s a set of invisible cogs running behind the scenes, the turning of which Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #74: Older and better[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #73: Innovation: Is this the secret?

Let me start by clarifying that if you came here hoping to find an “innovate easily and quickly” kind of solution, you are in the wrong place. Sure, I am hoping that I will enhance your capability to innovate by the end of this post, but that’s just about it. I don’t believe in magic Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #73: Innovation: Is this the secret?[…]

Something’s Gotta Give #72: Are you serious?

Most of the “random” (meaning from people who ended up on my website by… googling for corporate finance services) project inquiries that I receive, never go anywhere beyond that stage. This is a choice. My choice. The reason is because most of those people are not serious. And I am not saying this because of Read more about Something’s Gotta Give #72: Are you serious?[…]