Long Story Short #8: Whiners winners

We all like complaining. Some more, others less. But couple that, with the fact that most people default to following the easiest (as opposed to the ideal) solution when dealing with an unexpected, non-priority issue, and you can see why in many organizations the whiners, are actually the winners.  

Long Story Short #5: Spring break

Spring is here. Some see it as an excuse to take a break, others see it as a chance for rebirth and renewal. The way you will use your springtime will dictate how easy your next winter will be. It is not enough to just “get by” anymore. You will need to ensure that you Read more about Long Story Short #5: Spring break[…]

Long Story Short #4: The afterburner

Fighter aircraft pilots know full well the dangers associated with the use of their afterburner. Some company executives however, seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that even though their airplane keeps flying towards its destination, it is actually just gliding, affected by the laws of inertia, as fuel has long before run out. Read more about Long Story Short #4: The afterburner[…]

Long Story Short #3: Uncommon sense

…I also have a 6th point for you (yes, I am so generous that I provide 20% more than promised, without even being asked to): If almost 60% (my estimate) of all electrical and electronic equipment and appliances imported to Cyprus come from Greece (where they use bipolar sockets) why on Earth do we continue Read more about Long Story Short #3: Uncommon sense[…]

Long Story Short #2: The middle class

As the head of your company you should ensure that you pick your subordinates carefully. No matter your intentions, everything they do will appear in their own subordinates’ eyes, as your own, personally approved actions. If you cannot trust your lieutenants’ judgement, you should either develop, or replace them. Yesterday.