Something’s Gotta Give #18: Change of format

I would first of like to start by wishing a happy Easter to all of you and your loved ones. Let us hope that the resurrection of our Lord will help bring about better days for all of us.

However, this week’s column isn’t about Easter. The most observant among you might have noticed that I shouldn’t have uploaded a SGG column for this week, but rather, my other weekly column, MFP.

This isn’t a planning error for my part, but is rather, done on purpose: As I had hinted in my one year anniversary video around Christmas time, I have noticed that managing this website takes up quite a lot of work and it comes at times at odds with other things that are more important in my life. Despite the fact that I certainly enjoy the interest that regular visitors show in my work, there came a point where I noticed that I could keep the quality up to the standards that I wanted.

Although there still some videos and podcasts left in my library, I have decided to halt uploading, as, after reviewing them again, I found them rushed out. They weren’t the type of work that I would be genuinely proud of.

And so from now on, I will convert my SGG column to weekly and will also comment on current issues when I deem them important enough, similar to what I did in MFP. My vlog and my podcast will be sunset.

I would like to once again thank you all for the interest in my work and wish all the best for you and your loved ones.